Welcome to Piping Design Apprentice!

Welcome to Piping Design Apprentice!

Have you ever felt like some industry information is too hard to find?  Have your colleagues ever said "google it" when you ask a question?  Or have you felt the time crunch and not been able to get a quick answer to a question?

If you have the burning desire to learn quickly about everything you can get your hands on, then this is the website for you!

Quite often you will find that google has too much information or the information you find is too detailed, too abstract, too nerdy, or simply too dry to sift through.  All you really need is to search for a specific thing or topic, and find an answer that helps you.  Yes you, the Piping Designer.  The one that needs to know how the P&ID (Piping and Instrumentation Diagram) ties to the model or ties to the live pipe in the field.  This website will consider the paper, computer, and field environments that you work in, and provide relevant information to help you with your job.

Here you will find technical information, reference charts, tutorials, and useful resources to help you become the best Piping Designer in your office.  This is one of the most enjoyable careers in terms of challenge, knowledge, learning, cool work, and great people.  What you will learn on this site might be the difference maker for you when the next downturn comes.  The best people keep their jobs the longest and make the most money, so work hard, learn lots, and enjoy a great career!